
Shipping Instructions

Shipping Instructions

warning to check shipping address



PM-5010N Effective November 1, 2022
PM 5010 Labels?
PM 5010 Archives?
Bar Code Program?
Includes required TrueType font and instructions

Supplier Shipping instructions

PM 5017 Drop shipments - Supplier to Supplier, Supplier To 3PL (CEVA Logistics)

PM-801B Effective June 30, 2022
PM-801 Archives

Direct ship to U.S. Government

Attachment "A" to Appendix VII/D Wide Area Work Flow Instructions

Attachment "D" to Appendix VII / D

Address Data Listing Instructions

Defense Automatic Addressing System Center Inquiry (DAASINQ)

(DAASINQ) or LM Aero "Ship To" code document

RFID Requirements Information ?