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(a) SELLER shall comply with latest revision, as of the effective date of this Contract, for all databases, specifications, and other documents set forth in this clause unless a specific revision number is referenced.? If a specific revision number is referenced SELLER shall comply with the specified revision.? The requirements set forth in the databases, specification, or other documents herein are incorporated into this Contract by reference.

(b) The databases, specifications, and other documents set forth in this clause are LOCKHEED MARTIN Proprietary Information and as such are protected in accordance with the Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA) executed between the parties.

(c) SELLER shall include the requirements of this ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (A83 Note) in lower tier subcontracts for the delivery of items that will be included in or furnished as Work to LOCKHEED MARTIN.

(d) The following requirements are only applicable to LOCKHEED MARTIN designed parts.

(i) Engineering Materials and Approved Products (EMAP) (Applicable to all programs except F-16, F-2 and T-50)
Location: LOCKHEED MARTIN external web page:?/en-us/suppliers/business-area-procurement/aeronautics/engineering/engineering-materials-approved-products-emap-design-support-database.html? "Engineering Materials & Approved Products (EMAP)."

(ii) Material and Process Specifications (Applicable to all programs)
Location: LOCKHEED MARTIN external web page:
?/en-us/suppliers/business-area-procurement/aeronautics/engineering/material-process-specifications-all-programs.html?"Material & Process Specifications – All Programs."

(iii) Parts Classification & Management (PCM) (Applicable to all programs) (PCM has replaced the Preferred Parts Handbook (PPH) and the Design Support Database (DSD).)

Location: LOCKHEED MARTIN external web page:?? "Engineering Parts Classification and Management"


(iv) F-35 Approved Manufacturer List for Standard Parts (Applicable to the F-35 program only) (Provided via either PCM set forth in Section d(iii) of this clause or Specification Document 2GNA00001)

Location: LOCKHEED MARTIN JDL:??. Under JSF Data Library (JDL) search for 2GNA00001.

The latest copy is always in the Standard Part Drawings Released Data vault in the JDL (under the Released Data Vaults entry).

The approved manufacturers for parts for the F-35 Program are set forth in 2GNA00001. The approved manufacturers listed are approved only for the listed source or part number. The sources or manufacturer part numbers are approved only when made by the manufacturer listed on the drawing revision specified. Callout part numbers that do not appear in this list are not approved for use on the program and have no approved sources.

Identification Marking Guide for LM Aeronautics Parts (Applicable to all programs)