
Aegis Combat System

The world’s most capable combat system.

The Aegis Combat System is the U.S. Navy’s and six International Allies’ Surface Combat System. It is the most capable multi-mission combat system deployed in the world today. Aegis integrates a broad range of sensors and weapons to provide simultaneous integrated air and missile defense, also known as Integrated Air and Missile Defense capability.

AEGIS Weapon System – The Heart of Aegis

AEGIS Weapon System is a centralized, automated, command-and-control (C2) and weapons control system designed as a total weapon system, from detection to kill.

AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense

Aegis BMD is made up of three basic components: sensors, interceptors, and command and control.
BMD?is the sea-based component of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).

Innovating for the Next 50 Years

Consistently innovate to quickly deliver capabilities to the warfighters' needs while performing end-to-end systems engineering.

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