
Enterprise Open System Architecture

We all know the saying: Two heads are better than one. A unified team working together toward a common goal achieves success more quickly and more effectively than any one person could achieve operating alone. The same is true when it comes to aircraft and systems operating in the battlespace, but how they work together is much more complicated.

The ability to quickly and affordably connect these highly capable, complex technologies operating at multiple levels of security is a challenge. Also, as software and technology continue to evolve, a cost-effective solution is required to ensure aircraft and systems stay relevant over time.

The solution? An approach known as open system architecture, or OSA.

By reducing the cost and time needed to develop and deploy critical capabilities to the warfighter, OSA transforms the battlespace. OSA enables rapid upgrades, the ability to quickly swap out sensors, and ensures systems in operation today, as well as the systems of the future, work together and share information to create a comprehensive view of the battlespace, enabling?Joint All-Domain Operations.

We’re solving the problems of the future, today.

Download OSA demonstration infographic.

Recent demonstrations, such as?,?,?Project Missouriand the?U-2 open mission systems flight tests, proved that new capabilities can be added to existing aircraft quickly and affordably using commercial-off-the-shelf components and government owned standards while still meeting rigorous flight safety and information assurance requirements.?Not only did we prove that aircraft can be modernized efficiently, we also demonstrated how advanced mission system capabilities can be rapidly added to an aircraft to bring additional warfighting capability to the user.

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