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SAC PURCHASING CONTACT  FORMTEXT      a. NAME (First, Middle, Last)  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      b. TELEPHONE NO. FORMTEXT      8a. SUPPLIER CONFIGURATION ITEM NOMENCLATURE & NUMBER9. IN PRODUCTION  FORMTEXT       8b. SIKORSKY CONFIGURATION ITEM NOMENCLATURE & NUMBER  FORMTEXT         FORMCHECKBOX  YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO10. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE  FORMTEXT      11. REASON FOR CHANGE  FORMTEXT       12. DEVELOPMENTAL STATUS / SUBSTANTIATION DATA  FORMTEXT      13. PRODUCTION EFFECTIVITY BY SERIAL NUMBER  FORMTEXT      14. EFFECT ON PRODUCTION DELIVERY SCHEDULE  FORMTEXT       15. RETROFIT  FORMTEXT       16. SUBMITTING ACTIVITY a. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE  FORMTEXT      b. TITLE  FORMTEXT       ADDITIONAL SPACE  FORMTEXT       Use the Change Classification Criteria (U. S. Military Programs or Civil/Commercial Programs, non-Military) to determine if a Class I change request is required. SA1360 is used to request a Class II change. The following instructions are to be used in conjunction with SA1360, Sikorsky Supplier Class II / FAA Minor Change Proposal. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Insert a new page, if needed, whenever additional space is required to complete a Block. List the Block Number and Title (Continued) and add the additional information on the new page. All fields must be filled out. If a section is truly not applicable, enter N/A. Block 1 Change number. Once a change number is assigned to the first submission of a change proposal, that number shall be retained for all subsequent submissions of that change proposal with a revision number and shall not be reused for any other change proposals. One of the following methods of assigning ECP numbers may be used unless otherwise stated in the contract: a. Numbers shall run consecutively commencing with number 1, for each CAGE Code identified activity, or numbers may be assigned in a separate series for each system that the company is producing. b. Other systems may be used provided the number is unique for any CAGE Code identified activity, and the 15 character limitation in paragraph (2) above is not exceeded. Block 2a.Date. Enter the submittal date of the ECP or of the revision to the ECP. Block 2b. Vendor Code: Enter your companys Vendor Code as assigned by Sikorsky Aircraft. Block 3a. Originator. Enter the name of the company submitting the change. Inclusion of submitting individuals name is optional. Block 3b. Address. Enter the address of the company. Block 3c. Priority. The supplier shall recommend a priority to Sikorsky and enter an E, U, or R (Emergency, Urgent or Routine). Block 4. Documents affected. Enter the indicated information for all specifications/documents affected by the change. The CAGE code to be entered is that of the design activity whose number is assigned to the listed drawing(s). If more than 6 specifications/documents are affected, enter the information on page 2. Block 5a. Title of change. Enter a brief title to identify the component or system affected. Do not include the purpose or description which is to be entered in Block 16. For example: F-18 Aircraft Air Turbine Start Connector Backshell Replacement; AN/AYK-l4 (v) CP-1502/CP-1503 Reconfiguration to CP-1799; (CSCI name) Block Update. Block 5b. Model/Type. Enter model or type designation of the configured item (CI) for which this proposal is being filled out. For CSCIs, enter the computer software configuration item (CSCI) identification number. Block 5c. CAGE code. Enter the CAGE code for the activity originating the change. Block 5d. System designation. The system or top-level CI designation or nomenclature assigned by Sikorsky shall be entered, if known. Block 5e. Baseline Affected. Place an X in the box(es) according to the baseline(s) affected. Functional Baseline: The initially approved documentation describing a systems or items functional, interoperability, and interface characteristics and the verification required to demonstrate the achievement of those specified characteristics. Allocated Baseline: The initially approved documentation describing an items functional, interoperability, and interface characteristics that are: allocated from those of a system or higher level CI; interface requirements with interfacing CIs; additional design constraints; verification required to demonstrate the achievement of those specified characteristics. Product Baseline: The initially approved documentation describing all of the necessary functional and physical characteristics of the CI, selected functional and physical characteristics designated for production acceptance testing, tests necessary for support of the CI, or the actual equipment or software. Block 6. Contract number(s) or purchase order and line item(s). Enter the number(s) of all currently active contract(s), and the affected contract line item number(s), at the originating CAGE-coded activity that are affected by the engineering change. If more contracts are affected than can be fit in the block, make reference to the enclosure and paragraph where this information is provided. Block 7a. SAC Purchasing Contact. Enter the name of the purchasing contact. Block 7b. Telephone Number. Enter the telephone number of the SAC purchasing contact. Block 8a. Supplier Configuration Item nomenclature & number. Enter the assigned Supplier name and type designation, CSCI name, number if applicable, or authorized name and number of the Cl(s) affected by the change. Block 8b. Sikorsky Configuration Item nomenclature & number. Enter the assigned Sikorsky name and type designation, CSCI name, number if applicable, or authorized name and number of the Cl(s) affected by the change Block 9. In production. The yes box shall be marked if deliveries have not been completed on the contract(s). The no box shall be marked if the deliveries have been completed. This block is not always applicable to software. If not applicable, state N/A. Block 10. Description of change. The description of the proposed change shall include sufficient detail to adequately describe what is to be accomplished. It shall be phrased in definitive language such that, if it is repeated in the contractual document authorizing the change, it will provide the authorization desired. A description as to which part of the item or system is being changed shall be provided. Supplemental drawings and sketches shall be provided to the extent necessary to clearly portray the proposed change. If the proposed change is an interim solution, it shall be so stated. If additional space is needed, use continuation pages for details but provide an overview in this block. Information should be included as to whether the revision is a resubmittal, replacing the existing ECP in its entirety, or provides change pages to the existing ECP. Block 11. Reason for Change. Enter an explanation of why the change is needed specifically identifying the benefit of the change. The nature of the defect, failure, incident, malfunction, etc. substantiating the need for the change shall be described in detail. New capabilities, if provided, shall be described in quantitative terms and full utilization shall be made of available failure data. Correspondence establishing requirements for the change and any testing accomplished prior to the submission shall be identified and summarized. Block 12. Developmental Status/Substantiation Data.  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Be sure to attach the applicable documentation. Block 13. Production effectivity by serial number. Enter contractors estimated production effectivity point by serial number or other item identifiers (ex: block or lot number). Consider all time and availability factors to determine the most economical point of introduction which may not always be the earliest. Block 14. Effect on production delivery schedule. State the estimated delivery schedule impact of items incorporating the change, either in terms of days after contractual approval, or by specific date contingent upon contractual approval by a specified date. If there will be no effect on the delivery schedule, state no effect. Block 15. Retrofit. When the supplier recommends that the engineering change be accomplished in accepted items by retrofit, the quantities and serial (or lot) numbers of accepted items in which the change will be incorporated by retrofit shall be entered herein, or in a referenced enclosure. Block 16. Submitting activity authorized signature. An authorized official of the activity entered in Block 3 shall sign this block and provide title in Block 16b.     SIKORSKY SUPPLIER CLASS II / FAA Minor ENGINEERING CHANGE PROPOSAL (ECP)PAGE  PAGE 2 SA1360 Rev. 11-14-2018 Verify current revision of form INSTRUCTIONS For Completion of SA1360 SIKORSKY SUPPLIER CLASS II / FAA Minor ENGINEERING CHANGE PROPOSAL (ECP)  SA1360 Rev. 11-14-2018 Verify current revision of form 2:<nߌ5:;ABCDEFƾs^L?h/EhjtCJOJQJ"hhjt56CJOJQJ^J(hL0J5CJOJQJ^JmHnHu#hhjt0J5CJOJQJ^J,jhhjt0J5CJOJQJU^JhhjtCJOJQJ^JhhjtCJOJQJ^JhyfjhyfUhh-yCJOJQJ^Jhhq>*CJOJQJ^JhhqCJOJQJ^Jh" CJOJQJ^J5E$$Ifa$gd/E$x$Ifa$gdD EFGHvqoho_S $$Ifa$gd4@ $$Ifa$$(a$dkdr%$$IflD0!}*,"044 lag eGpyt/EFHTVWY^ɍʍ*.NOPQŹԇthh-yCJOJQJ^JhyfhjtOJQJ^JhjtCJOJQJ"hjt56CJOJQJ\]^JhjtCJOJQJ^JhDCJOJQJ^Jho0hjtCJOJQJ^JhhjtOJQJ^JhLCJOJQJ^JhhjtCJOJQJ^JhjtNOPQgd$(a$d:kd&$$Ifl4}**    *4 laf4PPP+p ,p -p .p /R/ =!"#$% 4 5 6 7 Dp;0PP&P/R/ =!"#$% tDText5tDText6$$If!vh#v#v#v#v :V l4+,5555 /  / /  / 4f4yt5$$If!vh#v #v#v :V l4++5 55 /  / /  /  /  / 4f4yt5tDText2tDText6$$If!vh#v #v#v :V l44++++5 55 / / /  / /  /  4f4yt5tDText2$$If!vh#v #v#v :V l4+++5 55 /  / /  /  /  4f4yt5k$$If!vh#v+:V l4+,5+/  / 4f4!$$If!vh#v#v #v#v(#v #v:V l4H+,55 55(5 5/ /  /  /  / /  / / / /  4f4tDText3tDText3tDText3tDText3jDtDText3*$$If!vh#v#v #v#v(#v #v:V l4+,55 55(5 5/ /  /  /  / /  / / / /  2 4f4tDText3tDText3tDText3tDText3tDText3tDText3$$If!vh#v#v #v#v(#v #v:V l4+,55 55(5 5/  / /  / /  / / / /  2 4f4tDText3tDText3tDText3tDText3tDText3tDText3*$$If!vh#v#v #v#v(#v #v:V l4+,55 55(5 5/ /  / /  / /  / / /  /  2 4f4tDText2$$If!vh#v #v:V l4+5 5/ / /  /  /  4f4jDjDjDtDeCheck1tDeCheck2$$If!vh#v#v#vh#v#vh#v:V l4++++,555h55h5/ / /  / / / /  4f4tDeCheck3,$$If!vh#v#v#vh#v#vh#v:V l4++++,555h55h5/ /  /  /  / / / / /  /  4f4o$$If!vh#v#vP:V l4+55P/ /  4f4tDText2tDText2$$If!vh#v#v #v:V l4+,55 5/  /  / / /  4f4tDText2tDText2$$If!vh#v#v #v:V l4J+,55 5/  /  /  / /  4f4yto$$If!vh#v!#v` :V l4+5!5` /  / 4f4tDText2tDText2tDeCheck4tDeCheck5$$If!vh#v!#v` :V l4B+,5!5` /  /  /  /  4f4yttDText2]$$If!vh#v+:V l4+5+/  4f4yttDText2]$$If!vh#v+:V l4a+5+/  4f4yttDText2]$$If!vh#v+:V l4+5+/  4f4yttDText2tDText2$$If!vh#v#v:V l4+55/  /  / 4f4tDText2c$$If!vh#v+:V l4+,5+/  4f4yttDText2tDText2$$If!vh#vd#v:V l4+5d5/  /  / 4f4tDText2$$If!vh#v,"#v:V lD05,"5g eGpyt/EX$$If!vh#v*:V l4*,5*/  4f4s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH L`L Normal5$7$8$9DH$CJ_HmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List >' > Comment ReferenceCJ88  Comment TextCJ>O> Form Fill5CJ OJQJ4@"4 Header  !4 24 Footer  !.)@A.  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